Monday, June 18, 2007

Death In Darfur: Why isn't the Main Stream Press covering this 4 Year old genocide?

I know I said GDii is coming to a close, and so she is, but not yet. Just a few more important items to be reported. I will probably make the last post, the Wikipedia biography of Jesse Stevens. It was He, who has alerted me to this "crisis" in the Sudan. (Amazing how the word crisis has lost all impact in americA... what C.S. Lewis called "verbicide"; when a word is used so much or so wrongly, for so long it looses all meaning. I don't want the word verbicide, to distract you from the more important word here: GENOCIDE. Genocide, too, has fallen victim to verbicide... but more on that later...).

I have heard precious little about this massacre in the press. Especially considering it is 4 years in the making. I have heard absolutely nothing about the Dictator Bashir, who is "brain" behind the mass murder.

I have however, found many statistics about the killing, on the web. The absolute best site for info on the US Gov't and lack of action is from the blogosphere. I recommend that readers of Groove Damage, spend some time researching this tragedy that "must be stopped"... but in all honesty, probably will not be, (due to the dollars to be made by our "allies". Oil in Sudan is plentiful, but China owns the controlling interest. A report titled: "PetroChina, CNPC, and Sudan:
Perpetuating Genocide" is quoted on GDii as well... read the
April 15, 2007 report by clicking here

"Since 2003, Sudan’s Arab government and its Janjaweed militias have been destroying villages and displacing, raping, torturing, and killing Darfur’s black African citizens.
Every day, those forced from their homes face the threat of starvation,

disease and rape.

450,000 ARE DEAD

from Global Grassroots

The following is from the report by the Sudan Divestment Task Force:

"In 2003, the Government of Sudan initiated genocide against its own civilians from several
tribes in the country's Darfur region. For four years the regime in Khartoum has resisted
diplomatic and political overtures to change its behavior. As a result, the international
community must now use its financial leverage with a regime that has historically proven
responsive to economic pressure and that relies on investments from a handful of foreign
oil companies to finance its growing military expenditures. Chief among Khartoum's
corporate sponsors is China's state-owned oil company, China National Petroleum
Corporation (CNPC). CNPC's majority-owned, publicly-traded subsidiary, PetroChina, lists
on the Hong Kong and New York Stock Exchanges."

So it's my understanding that the Chinese have invested 30% of funds gathered in the Sudan, in the NY Stock Exchange. By trading in NY, PetroChina can invest in it's self... 70-80% of the (O-I-L) funds gathered by Bashir, are used to finance this massacre.

Here in americA, narly nothing is being done. In fact, according to the Sudan Divestment Task Force, no state action is taking place in Utah, along with 16 other US States. You can find out what your "representative's" are doing (or not doing) and read they letter grade given to each, by clicking here. In Utah, the reps get near failing grades:

and Grade given:


Rep. Chris Cannon

Utah District 03 (Republican)

Grade: D

Senator (s)


Sen. Orrin Hatch

Utah (Republican)

Grade: D


Sen. Robert Bennett

Utah (Republican)

Grade: D


"The twenty-first century’s first genocide continues unabated in the Darfur region of Sudan.
For the first time in history, the President of the United States and the United States
Congress have declared that an ongoing crisis amounts to genocide. In a speech at the
US Holocaust Memorial Museum in April of this year, President Bush rallied Americans to
take action: “All of the people in this room and people in this country have a vital role to
play. Everyone ought to raise their voice. We ought to continue to demand that the
genocide in Sudan be stopped.”

Apparently the feds have mentioned this in brief. Though, I never heard Bush mention the Sudan. Why isn't Bashir listed as public enemy #2, in our so called "war on terror"? Good question, considering that Bin Ladin was a resident of the Sudan from 90-95. In fact, according to Jesse Stevens, it is there, that he formed the Taliban.

Why don't more of us know and care about this tragedy, americA?

How is this able to go on in the world, and our "media" not spend equal time on it?

Can you see how the deception is linked to money? Maybe the US troops aren't pulling triggers and killing the the tribes of Darfur. But how many of those weapons used were made and traded by the United States? China is one of our biggest (no pun intended) allies. They are giving what one might call "kick backs", into the stock exchange.

Do I have to ask why nothing is being done?

Eye witness account made into a film. watch trailer.

Here in SLC, we will putting together an awareness concert with local and national acts, in hopes to generate some media attention.

Please stay tuned for updates.

La Vie Boheme

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