Sunday, February 18, 2007

Not Removed From, But Transitioning Thru Material: The Matrix As Is In Infancy. My Mind Is My Own

The harrowing events of the past year have served to awaken me to the reality of my own creation. I have played a part in the manifestation of the current circumstance, and I recognize but do not resent them. The fact of my participation in the dream Matrix, frees me to write of it, it's technicians, and mechanisims. The new helmsmen are twice as viscious as their predecesors. However, I do not fear their abilities, nor the colective creative resources of their perverse imagination(s), as supperior to mine own. I am the daughter of the Ultimate Creative Spirit, and am able to think and create, as It is. Yesterday, today, and forever. My life is my intellectual property. I am free to write of them, and speak boldly to, and with those whom, too, have entered into this abominal covenant with the power of darkness. I fear no government, court, or Army, poised and ready to devour me and my beloved. The innocent blood shed durring this transition, by those powers that seek to destroy humanities free will, will be avenged, as it now cries from the ground for God's justice. I am to be their biographer, and will champion the sacrifice made by their bodies. You, will read of them here. I am the voice of one crying through a satellite transmitter. I am the artist. I am the subject of song, prayer, and petition to the Almighty. I am free to write and perform as I see fit, to alert the unknowing and unsuspecting, of the impending doom that awaits. I will, as a stewart of gifts from on High, use my talents in the "...[G]lory of God and refreshment of the human Spirit."


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